Covid Fall Activities Response

August 04, 2020

According to MSHSAA Guidelines for the upcoming Fall activities:


• Have students wash their hands before and after practice. Have hand sanitizer available at all times

• Use as many small groups as possible

• Try to avoid large group gatherings, ex. several athletes in dugouts, water breaks.

• Students must bring their own drinks, water stations will not be available. Please have students space their drinks apart from each other, so that they don't congregate.

• Get by with as little of person to person contact as possible.

• Take attendance each day, to help with contact tracing

• During games/events students need to practice social distancing on the sidelines, in dugouts, warming up etc...

Locker room/equipment

• Locker rooms will be cleaned daily by the janitors, however any extra cleaning that we can do will be a positive.

• Please have equipment disinfected as much as possible

• Have students wear masks in locker rooms.

• Athletes should not share towels or clothes.

• We recommend that you have your kids take their clothes/mask home everyday to be washed.


• We are requiring that we screen (temperature check) our extra curricular activities kids on every game/competition day before they get on a bus or take the field on home dates. We also recommend that you screen them at least the day before an event so that you are not trying to scramble on game day to find replacements.

• When screening the person taking the temperature needs to wear a mask and the students need to maintain social distancing.

• Any student that has a temperature above 100.4 must be sent home immediately, you will also need to inform the building principal, AD, and school nurse of the situation. The health dept, will then be notified.


• We will be providing each student involved with extracurricular activities with an activities mask/neck gaiter.

• Students are required per MSHSAA to wear the mask when not actively engaged in strenuous physical exertion. Examples include players on the sideline/dugout, when play is stopped and a player is talking to a coach or an official, etc...

• Please have students wash their masks daily.

• If students aren't wearing their mask and we have a positive case the likelihood of the whole team being quarantined is much greater.

Positive case

• If a student tests positive, he/she will be quarantined for a minimum of 14 days and will have to be released by a doctor using the MSHSAA return to play policy. Upon returning the student will have to complete 4 stages of lighter activity before returning to full activity.

• All participants who had close, direct contact with a positive case should be excluded from practice for 14 days. The Health Department will assist in proper contact tracing and quarantining of individuals.

Game Attendance

• As of right now there are no restrictions on the amount of spectators that can be at events, however that is a very fluid situation.