Farm succession workshop set for Feb. 27 in Macon
University of Missouri Extension will offer a farm succession work to help farm families start the process of moving the farm business from one generation to the next.
The workshop will be 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 27, at FCS Financial in Macon.
During the workshop, MU Extension specialists will cover family roles, communication and transition planning. Participants will have the opportunity for discussion activities working in small groups.
The workshops will be taught by MU Extension agriculture business specialists Wesley Tucker and Mary Sobba. "The workshop will provide several methods of learning including presentation style, written resources and small group discussion," said Sobba. "The goal is everyone will understand and have tools to continue succession planning beyond the workshop."
Preregistration is required by Feb. 25. The class fee covers lunch. Register at or call 573-581-3231.
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