Practice Christmas Safety
November 26, 2024
Tree Care
Fresh cut base of real tree-Real trees should have the base opened before placing in a water source. Trees harvested from a tree farm will have this done when cut. Trees from a tree lot or pre-cut trees should all have one inch of stump removed so the tree will be able to take up water. The base should not be cut at an angle but straight.
Keep tree from heat source-Do not place your fresh tree near a furnace duct, fireplace, or in direct sunlight by a window as this will cause tree to prematurely dry out.
Trees are thirsty! They may drink up to two gallons of water per day. Be sure to check the water level daily and supply fresh water as needed. Put tree in a stand with an adequate water supply within three hours. The tree stand bowl should hold at least one gallon of water or more to adequately supply three. NEVER let the water go below the case of the tree or stump will no longer be able to take up water due to sap build-up.
Use miniature lights-miniature lights reduce the amount of heat on a real tree and help it to maintain its freshness.
Wreath Care
Fresh is best to purchase a freshly made wreath. Feel if tips are pliable and flexible. If the wreath feels dry do not use it. Go to a farm or shop that makes fresh wreaths for the best value.
Prevent from Drying-Do not hang your wreath in direct sunlight to prevent premature drying. A wreath is made from clippings and can only moisturize itself by absorption, which direct sunlight can prevent.
Placement-Do not place a fresh wreath between a storm door and another door. Heat build-up between doors will over dry your wreath. Do not place the wreath in direct sunlight but place in a shaded area for best results.
Holiday Safety
Be sure the tree is well-supported in a water-holding stand and is away from fireplaces, radiators, TV sets, and other sources of heat. These elements can prematurely dry your tree.
Avoid using combustible decorations. Check all electrical lights and connections. Do not use lights with worn or frayed cords and NEVER use lighted candles. Do not overload electrical circuits. Lights should be off when the house is unattended and when you retire each evening.
Thanks to the Missouri Christmas Tree Producers Association and Crowders Spring Valley, LLC of New London, Mo
Fresh cut base of real tree-Real trees should have the base opened before placing in a water source. Trees harvested from a tree farm will have this done when cut. Trees from a tree lot or pre-cut trees should all have one inch of stump removed so the tree will be able to take up water. The base should not be cut at an angle but straight.
Keep tree from heat source-Do not place your fresh tree near a furnace duct, fireplace, or in direct sunlight by a window as this will cause tree to prematurely dry out.
Trees are thirsty! They may drink up to two gallons of water per day. Be sure to check the water level daily and supply fresh water as needed. Put tree in a stand with an adequate water supply within three hours. The tree stand bowl should hold at least one gallon of water or more to adequately supply three. NEVER let the water go below the case of the tree or stump will no longer be able to take up water due to sap build-up.
Use miniature lights-miniature lights reduce the amount of heat on a real tree and help it to maintain its freshness.
Wreath Care
Fresh is best to purchase a freshly made wreath. Feel if tips are pliable and flexible. If the wreath feels dry do not use it. Go to a farm or shop that makes fresh wreaths for the best value.
Prevent from Drying-Do not hang your wreath in direct sunlight to prevent premature drying. A wreath is made from clippings and can only moisturize itself by absorption, which direct sunlight can prevent.
Placement-Do not place a fresh wreath between a storm door and another door. Heat build-up between doors will over dry your wreath. Do not place the wreath in direct sunlight but place in a shaded area for best results.
Holiday Safety
Be sure the tree is well-supported in a water-holding stand and is away from fireplaces, radiators, TV sets, and other sources of heat. These elements can prematurely dry your tree.
Avoid using combustible decorations. Check all electrical lights and connections. Do not use lights with worn or frayed cords and NEVER use lighted candles. Do not overload electrical circuits. Lights should be off when the house is unattended and when you retire each evening.
Thanks to the Missouri Christmas Tree Producers Association and Crowders Spring Valley, LLC of New London, Mo
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