Class of 1971

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Front row- Dorothy Jean Wilkerson, Cheryll Armstrong-Gamble, Rita Campbell Barton, Brenda Wilkerson Vaughn, Debbie Ketchum Young, Cathy Long Rouse, Becky Vanlandingham Dunlap, Barbara Powers Peck 
Middle row- Sarah Harrison, John Barton, Nana Tawney Hufty, Betty Meranda Davis, Susan Sharp, Ed Putnam, Steve Sims, Debbie Duncan Boulware, Randy Boulware, Charlie Mitchell, Steve DeOrnellas, Martha Dowell Bruce, Elinda Davis Ketchum, Class Sponsor, Mary Beth Mitchell 
Back row- Donnie Wilkerson, Glen Morgan, Mike Forbis, Steve Jones, Ronnie Dunkle, Carla Mitchell, David Crain, Robert Hatton, Ed Threlkeld, Donnie Street, Bobby Chandler, Deborah Crigler Dougherty
Locations of Racks